sabato 7 gennaio 2017

Blog di Moda, Copia Finale, il 13 gennaio 2017

Gina Lollobrigida, un'attrice italiana
The final copy of your BLOG DI MODA project is due on Friday, January 13. I will be handing back the rough drafts on Monday, January 9th. Please make your final copy beautiful and colorful. Please be creative and try to make it look like a real blog or fashion article!

Please make sure that you include all of the following components to get the best grade for your project: 
1. A picture or pictures of what your text describes. 
2. Fifteen (15) sentences describing your picture(s) in Italian. (Your sentences do not have to be numbered, they may be in paragraph form). 
3. Your grammar is correct and you spell-checked your work. Microsoft Word tends to autocorrect many words, so please re-read your project multiple times and look for errors. 
4. Hand your project in on time, Friday, January 13, 2017. 
5. Your final copy MUST BE TYPED. 
6. Be sure that you have a TITLE in Italian. 

For every day that your project is late, there will be a ten point deduction. This project will be worth a quiz grade. Leaving your project in your locker, telling me that your printer is not working, or that your dog ate your homework, etc. will result in a ten point deduction if it is not handed in during your class period on January 13.

Do not email me your final project. 

martedì 3 gennaio 2017

**Esame Finale - Italiano 3, mercoledi', il 18 gennaio 2017

Below you will find what you should study for the final exam, which is on Wednesday, January 18, 2017.  Finals will take place during a regular class period (45 minutes) and will be worth 10% of your final grade. The format will be the same as all other exams in my class: it will include listening, reading, writing, and grammar sections. The exam will be cumulative and will include everything we have learned this year.

I would like everyone to do well on this exam, so please utilize all of your notes from the first day of school and all of the Quizlet flashcards (that I have spent many hours creating for your success). Quizlet link
For the final, please study chapters 7, 8, and 10. Chapter 9 will not be on the test. 

Temi di Capitolo 7: 
Vocabolario, pagine 145-146 (anche su Quizlet)
Il passato prossimo con avere, pagine 148-149
Il passato prossimo con essere, pagine 151-152
L'ora, pagine 154-155, Quizlet
Preposizioni: "a, in, da, per," pagine 157-158

Temi di Capitolo 8:
Vocabolario, pagina 169 (anche su Quizlet - "Albergo e Banca")
I verbi riflessivi e reciproci, pagine 172-174, pagina 176
     - Al presente e al passato prossimo. (Ricordate: i verbi riflessivi SEMPRE usano "essere" al passato prossimo). 
     - Studiate le definizioni dei verbi riflessivi nel tuo libro e su Quizlet. 
Espressioni di tempo nel passato, pagine 177-178, Quizlet
Temi di Capitolo 10: 
Vocabolario, pagina 209 (anche su Quizlet)
L'imperativo (forme di "tu, noi, voi"), anche "negativo," pagine 212-213
Aggettivi e pronomi dimostrativi (questo, quello), pagina 215
I mesi e la data, pagine 217-218, Quizlet
Le stagioni e il tempo, pagina 219, Quizlet
Please email should you have any questions (or even better, speak to me after class).

domenica 1 gennaio 2017


I am getting a few emails asking about the homework - just want to restate that the La Vita e' Bella worksheet is due the day we come back from break and will be worth a quiz grade. That is the only assignment that you must complete.

Buon Anno!