venerdì 30 settembre 2016

Autobiografia - ROUGH DRAFT - Due Wednesday, October 5

Please write twenty sentences about yourself in Italian. You must number all of your sentences. You will hand this in on Wednesday, October 5. This is the first draft of a project.

Use the questions below as a guide.  Please note that "Ciao" or any other greeting does not count as a sentence.
1. Come ti chiami?
2. Cosa studi a LaGuardia?
3. Quanti anni hai?
4. Cosa ti piace fare?
5. Di dove sei?
6. Quanti classi frequenti a LaGuardia? Quali sono?
7. Qual è la tua classe preferita?
8. Qual è il tuo ristorante preferito?
9. Quante persone ci sono nella tua famiglia?
10. Cosa ti piace fare durante il weekend?

This may be typed or neatly written. Please do not use Google Translate or any other translation device. All language should be simple and in the present tense. Please remember, a dictionary is not a translation device. I highly recommend that you use should you need to look up any vocabulary. If you use a translation device or do not hand in this assignment on Wednesday, you will receive a 0 for this assignment.

lunedì 26 settembre 2016

Compiti, due tomorrow, September 27

Please write down the following nouns and the definite articles below. Then, make both the definite article and the noun plural.

la sorella -> le sorelle
1.   Il libro –
2.   La sedia –
3.   Il cane –
4.   L’amico –
5.   L’amica –
6.   Lo zio –
7.   Il computer –
8.   L’occhio –
9.   Il fiore –
10.         La nazione -

venerdì 23 settembre 2016

Esamino, venerdì, il 30 settembre 2016

SIATE PRONTI E STUDIATE!!! (Amo studiare con la Nutella...)
Dovete studiare:
1. essere, avere, andare, fare - p. 24, 49, 110, QUIZLET
1. bere, dovere, potere, volere, dire, uscire, venire p. 115, 132-133, QUIZLET
3. i verbi in -ARE (regolari ed irregolari) p. 64, p. 110, QUIZLET
4. i verbi in -IRE (regolari ed irregolari) p. 87, p. 115, p. 132-133, QUIZLET
5. i verbi in -ERE (regolari ed irregolari) p. 87, p. 115, QUIZLET
6. il vocabolario, IL CIBO, pagine 83-83, QUIZLET

Quizzes last 20-25 minutes. To give you an idea of what the quiz is like, there are sections that include conjugating verbs in sentences and free write (responding to questions). Please speak to me in class should you have any questions.

lunedì 19 settembre 2016

For those of you that missed classwork due to today's assembly on 9/19

Please have the following ready to show me in class tomorrow, 9/20. Be sure to write down all nouns along with their answers for Activity A. For Activity B., be sure to write out the entire sentence along with the proper conjugation of each verb.
1. ______________ gatto
2. ______________ camicetta
3. ______________ ristorante 
4. ______________ scuola
5. ______________ liceo 
6. ______________ ragazza
7. ______________ cinema 
8. ______________ fotografia 
9. ______________ computer 
10. _____________ bar
11. _____________ studente
12. _____________ studentessa 
13. _____________ zoo
14. _____________ stadio 
15. _____________ programma
B. Scrivete tutte le frasi. Completate le frasi con la forma appropriate di ogni verbo (nel presente).
1.   Le ragazze ____________________ (mangiare) la pizza al ristorante.
2.   Signorina Laricchia ______________________ (guardare) il film Titantic stasera.
3.   Sydnie __________________ (leggere) molti libri.
4.   Sam ___________________ (partire) per l’Italia domani!
5.   I ragazzi ___________________ (ballare) alla festa.
6.   Io ________________________ (preparare) la colazione ogni mattina.
7.   Noi _____________________ (fare) i compiti dopo la scuola. *
8.   Signor Costa _____________________ (essere) molto buffo. *
9.   Gli studenti _________________________ (andare) in biblioteca. *
10.        Io ______________________ (potere) andare al bagno? *
* = irregular

venerdì 16 settembre 2016

Dove Potete Studiare Gli Articoli

Se volete studiare gli articoli determinativi e indeterminativi, andate a pagina 29 nel vostro libro.

Non dimenticate di studiare il vocabolario su Quizlet!

Buon weekend!

mercoledì 14 settembre 2016

Computer Lab, Room 640, 9/15/2016

Tomorrow (9/15/2016) we will be reviewing Italian 1/2 material on Quizlet in the 6th floor computer lab (room 640).

Please be sure to log into your Quizlet account so that your scores may be recorded. If you do not have a Quizlet account, please sign up now. If you have a Quizlet through Facebook at home, please create an account on Quizlet now. You cannot log in through Facebook at school.

Quizlet link -
Please make sure that you are signed up for the right class! (Italiano 3/4 - 2016-2017)

Also, please remember that you need to check this website frequently for updates. 

HW - Period 2 only, due 9/15

1. Why are you studying Italian?
2. How many years have you studied Italian, and where did you study?
3. What do you want to achieve this year in Italian class?
4. What do you want me to know about you, Italian related or not?

If you are in my period 2 class and did not finish the questions above, please finish them for homework. This will be collected tomorrow and will count as a homework assignment. No late homework is accepted.

lunedì 12 settembre 2016

La Festa di San Gennaro, CREDITO EXTRA

La Festa di San Gennaro, or The Feast of Saint Gennaro, is an annual event that happens every September right here in New York City. Towns in Italy each have a "patron saint" that they celebrate and honor. Gennaro is the patron saint of Naples.

La Festa di San Gennaro
In Little Italy you will find streets filled with Italians and non-Italians celebrating with food and fun each September on Mulberry Street. If you go La Festa di San Gennaro, which takes place from September 15 to September 25, you will receive 5 extra points towards an exam. Please send me a picture of yourself at the festival to my email, 

Throughout the year, I do not accept any student offers for extra credit. I give many extra credit assignments throughout the year. If you would like extra credit opportunities, please keep in mind that you will have to take the opportunities that I offer. That being said, nobody is required to do any of the extra credit.

More information about La Festa di San Gennaro may be found here: San Gennaro Website

This extra credit must be submitted by the end of September 26, 2016. I am very strict with deadlines! If you send me an email on September 27, it will not be accepted. Please check for a response to ensure that your email was received. 


venerdì 9 settembre 2016

Homework, due Tuesday, September 13

All of the following is due on Tuesday.
1.               Get course contract signed by a parent or guardian.
2.               Sign up for Quizlet and join my Italian class (
3.               Bookmark or follow my class blog (
4.               Get a spiral notebook OR binder with looseleaf and a folder used for Italian class ONLY.
5.               Look up a safety, middle, and reach university as per directions in class. WRITE down how many years of foreign language each of the schools require for admission. This will be checked. We will discuss our findings in class.

mercoledì 7 settembre 2016

Ciao, ragazzi!

Benvenuti alla classe d'italiano! In questa classe, impareremo della cultura e la lingua italiana. 

"Everything you see I owe to spaghetti." - Sophia Loren
Il sito è molto utile quando fate i compiti a casa. Potete usare questo sito per cercare le definizioni e il vocabolario italiano. ATTENZIONE: NON usate Google Translate quando fate i compiti o le composizioni! I WILL KNOW!
Il sito per Quizlet è sign up for the class "Italiano 3/4: 2016-2017 School Year." Be sure to create a username and password for Quizlet. Do not sign up with Facebook. Creating your own username and password will ensure that you will be able to log in to Quizlet at school and record your high scores. Recording high scores = possible extra credit points towards an exam.

Un altro sito molto utile è Si può usarlo per praticare le coniugazioni dei verbi regolari ed irregolari al presente, passato prossimo, futuro, imperfetto, ecc.