venerdì 30 settembre 2016

Autobiografia - ROUGH DRAFT - Due Wednesday, October 5

Please write twenty sentences about yourself in Italian. You must number all of your sentences. You will hand this in on Wednesday, October 5. This is the first draft of a project.

Use the questions below as a guide.  Please note that "Ciao" or any other greeting does not count as a sentence.
1. Come ti chiami?
2. Cosa studi a LaGuardia?
3. Quanti anni hai?
4. Cosa ti piace fare?
5. Di dove sei?
6. Quanti classi frequenti a LaGuardia? Quali sono?
7. Qual è la tua classe preferita?
8. Qual è il tuo ristorante preferito?
9. Quante persone ci sono nella tua famiglia?
10. Cosa ti piace fare durante il weekend?

This may be typed or neatly written. Please do not use Google Translate or any other translation device. All language should be simple and in the present tense. Please remember, a dictionary is not a translation device. I highly recommend that you use should you need to look up any vocabulary. If you use a translation device or do not hand in this assignment on Wednesday, you will receive a 0 for this assignment.

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