domenica 9 ottobre 2016

Esame, il 14 ottobre

The extra credit question (worth two points) is:

Who are the FOUR major artists of the Italian Renaissance? Hint: Think of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This will be worth two points. If you attended San Gennaro and emailed me (I have a list), your extra credit points will be added to this exam as well.
We will be having our first test this Friday, October 14. 

Per l'esame, dovete studiare:
- La città, pagine 21-22
I numeri 0-100 (pagina 14appunti)
- I verbi regolari ed irregolari al presente   
- verbi regolari in -ARE (pagine 64-65)   
- verbi regolari in -ERE (pagine 87-88)  
- verbi regolari in -IRE (pagine 87-88)   
- dei verbi irregolari che dovete sapere sono: avere, fare, andare, essere (usate Quizlet, ma loro sono anche nel libro)
- Articoli determinativi e quando si usano (il, lo, la, le, i, gli, l') pagina 29

Articoli indeterminativi e quando si usano (un, uno, un', una) pagina 29

We will be continuing this week with reflexive verbs but they will not be on the test. Buon Viaggio vocabulary will not be on this test. It is incredibly important that we have a strong foundation of the basics before we move on. Reflexives and new vocabulary will be on the following assessment. 

All of my tests have a listening, reading, and writing portion. You are given the entire class period for a test. The vocabulary I am telling you to study will help you greatly when it comes to the written composition.

Please email me with any questions or concerns, and don't forget to use Quizlet! Once you click the link, please click on "Classes" and be sure to choose Italiano 3/4: 2016-2017. All the available flashcard sets are a review from Italian 1/2 and should be mastered for this exam and to succeed in this class.
In bocca al lupo!

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