domenica 30 ottobre 2016

Esamino, il 4 novembre

This Friday, November 4th, we will be having a quiz. For the quiz, you should study:

- When to use A, IN, DA, PER
- Contractions with A, IN, DA, DI
- Possessives (il mio, il tuo, il suo, il nostro, il vostro, il loro etc.)
- il passato prossimo con avere

sabato 22 ottobre 2016

Autobiografia, Scadenza: il 24 ottobre

DON'T FORGET THAT THE FINAL COPY OF YOUR AUTOBIOGRAPHY IS DUE ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 24! See this post for all the information that you need to know.

For every day that your project is late, you will receive a ten point deduction. Projects are a very easy way to boost your grade. Please follow all instructions and hand in your project on time.

mercoledì 19 ottobre 2016

Mario Batali (Yes, in His Orange Crocs) Prepared Obamas’ Last State Dinner Yesterday

Mario Batali with Michelle Obama before taping scenes for an episode of “Iron Chef” at the White House in 2009.
Credit: Jim Lo Scalzo for The New York Times        
Celebrated Italian-American chef, Mario Batali, hosted last night's state dinner in Washington. President Obama welcomed Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and other Italian officials. Highly acclaimed actor/director Roberto Benigni (La Vita è Bella) was in attendance.

martedì 18 ottobre 2016

Compiti, il 18 ottobre

A. Page 174, B. Be sure to WRITE the entire paragraph by hand and fill in the blanks with the proper conjugation of the reflexive pronouns. (periods 2, 3, 9)
B. Write the six sentences below in your notebook. Choose the proper preposition -> A or IN to fill in the blanks. (period 3 and maybe period 10 if we do not complete this in class)

1. Vado ____________ vacanza durante l'estate.
2. Mi piace viaggiare ____ Europa.
3. Vado ____ scuola _______ piedi.
4. Ieri sera, sono andata _____ casa ______ tassì.
5. Vado ____ casa _____ treno.
6. Noi andiamo _____ Italia ____ aereo.

Massimo Bottura, the Chef Behind the World's Best Restaurant

Lo Chef del ristorante Osteria Francescana
New York Times Article: Massimo Bottura, the Chef Behind the World’s Best Restaurant

lunedì 17 ottobre 2016

Esame, il 21 ottobre

This Friday, we will be having another test. For the test, you should NOT ONLY study reflexive verbs (conjugations and their definitions - pages 172-173/worksheet) but ALSO the following verbs and their definitions as well. You will be given the infinitive in English, and you will have to produce the infinitive in Italian. You have been studying these on Quizlet all year (I have given you numerous homework assignments to study these sets).

abitare - to live
ascoltare - to listen
aspettare - to wait (for)
ballare - to dance
cantare - to sing
comprare - to buy
entrare - to enter
giocare - to play (a sport)
guardare - to watch
guidare - to drive
mandare - to send
pagare - to pay
pensare - to think
studiare - to study
telefonare - to telephone/call
suonare - to play (an instrument)
imparare - to learn
insegnare - to teach
desiderare - to desire
cominciare - to begin
lavorare - to work
tornare - to return
ritornare - to return
viaggiare - to travel
visitare - to visit
essere - to be
avere - to have
fare - to do, make
andare - to go
bere - to drink
dovere - to have to (do something)
potere - to be able to (do something)
leggere - to read
partire - to leave
prendere - to take
perdere - to lose
ricevere - to receive
rispondere - to respond
scrivere - to write
servire - to serve
vedere - to see
vivere - to live
dormire - to sleep
partire -to leave/depart

This test will have no listening section, but will have a written composition (using reflexive verbs). There will be grammar sections as well on both reflexive and non-reflexive verbs.

domenica 16 ottobre 2016

Autobiografia, Scadenza: il 24 ottobre

Previously, you wrote a 20 sentence autobiography about yourself. You will receive these 20 sentences back tomorrow, 10/17.

Now you will make a final copy of your rough draft. If you had all 20 sentences in your rough draft, then great! All you have to do is rewrite and type up your 20 sentences and follow the project guidelines below. If you did not meet the 20 sentence requirement, be sure to do so in the final copy of your autobiography.

This will be due on Monday, October 24, 2016 and will be worth a quiz grade. For every day that this is late, you will receive a 10 point deduction. 

The main components of this project are: 
1. Write 20 sentences in Italian about yourself, 
2. Make sure your 20 sentences are TYPED,
3. Include a picture or drawing of yourself, 
4. Make your project creative and beautiful, 
5. Read the project guidelines and rubric (below), 
6. Do not use Google translate, 
7. Hand in your project on time,
8. Spell check your project!!
9. Please do not number your sentences. You may just write your sentences in paragraph form.

Please do not wait until the last minute to complete/print your project. I am giving you one full week to type, spell-check, and print a fully corrected rough draft. You may either go to the public library, the library at school, or see me and I will help (in advance, not the same day). Do not email me your project.

There will be a ten-point deduction for every day that this assignment is late. Your project is late if you: left it at home, left it in your locker, left it in a class, etc. 

Please put effort into your project and make it beautiful and creative. This will help you achieve a high grade. Be sure to read the Autobiografia Rubric to ensure that you have met all of the requirements (below).

Please click each picture below to enlarge. You may also email me if you have any questions about this project. 

An example of the beginning of my autobiography. It is typed, includes a picture, etc. Be sure to have 20 sentences and make your project look beautiful (create a border, use fun stickers, etc.).

domenica 9 ottobre 2016

Esame, il 14 ottobre

The extra credit question (worth two points) is:

Who are the FOUR major artists of the Italian Renaissance? Hint: Think of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This will be worth two points. If you attended San Gennaro and emailed me (I have a list), your extra credit points will be added to this exam as well.
We will be having our first test this Friday, October 14. 

Per l'esame, dovete studiare:
- La città, pagine 21-22
I numeri 0-100 (pagina 14appunti)
- I verbi regolari ed irregolari al presente   
- verbi regolari in -ARE (pagine 64-65)   
- verbi regolari in -ERE (pagine 87-88)  
- verbi regolari in -IRE (pagine 87-88)   
- dei verbi irregolari che dovete sapere sono: avere, fare, andare, essere (usate Quizlet, ma loro sono anche nel libro)
- Articoli determinativi e quando si usano (il, lo, la, le, i, gli, l') pagina 29

Articoli indeterminativi e quando si usano (un, uno, un', una) pagina 29

We will be continuing this week with reflexive verbs but they will not be on the test. Buon Viaggio vocabulary will not be on this test. It is incredibly important that we have a strong foundation of the basics before we move on. Reflexives and new vocabulary will be on the following assessment. 

All of my tests have a listening, reading, and writing portion. You are given the entire class period for a test. The vocabulary I am telling you to study will help you greatly when it comes to the written composition.

Please email me with any questions or concerns, and don't forget to use Quizlet! Once you click the link, please click on "Classes" and be sure to choose Italiano 3/4: 2016-2017. All the available flashcard sets are a review from Italian 1/2 and should be mastered for this exam and to succeed in this class.
In bocca al lupo!