venerdì 31 marzo 2017

Reminder: Tiramisu'/Insalata Caprese Project Due on April 7

This is a reminder that the Tiramisu'/Insalata Caprese project is due on Friday, April 7th. You have one more week to complete the assignment. There will be a ten point deduction for every day that your project is late. This project is worth a test grade.

lunedì 27 marzo 2017

Insalata Caprese/Tiramisu' Project, Due on Friday, April 7

This is a reminder that the Tiramisu'/Insalata Caprese project is due on Friday, April 7. Please be sure to check that I received your project once you have submitted it (you will receive an email from me saying that I received your project). If you do not hand in your project on time, you will receive ten points off for every day that it is late. Being that it can be submitted by email, you will receive ten points off even during the vacation for every day that your project is late.

Please keep in mind that you only know three verb tenses: the present, the passato prossimo, and the imperfetto. Should I see any verb forms besides these, you will automatically receive a zero for your project. There will be no makeups allowed and you will receive a zero towards your average. Using Google Translate or any other translation device is cheating and a very serious matter, and will be treated as such.

If you have any questions about the above information, please speak to me after class. Thank you.

Esame, il 31 marzo, Capitolo 11

There will be a test on Friday, March 31 on Chapter 11. Please study the following:

1. Vocabolario - pagina 231
2. I pronomi diretti con il presente e il passato, pagine 233-234
3. I pronomi indiretti con il presente  il passato , pagine 237-238
4. I pronomi con l'infinito e Ecco, pagina 240
5. L'imperativo con un pronome (diretto, indiretto, o riflessivo), pagine 241-242
6. Esclamazioni Comuni, p. 244

There will be a listening, reading, and writing section on this test.

venerdì 17 marzo 2017


Scenetta – Esclamazioni Comuni

1.   Choose a group of three people (total).

2.   Choose a situation.

3.   Create a skit of at least 30 complete sentences (greetings, goodbyes, how are you, what’s your name, etc. do not count).

4.   Include at least 4 esclamazioni comuni in your skit.

5.   Use at least three sentences where you use direct or indirect object pronouns (in total).

6.   Each group member should be handwriting their script.

7.   There should be an EXTRA copy of your script for Mrs. Laricchia for when your group performs (Monday).

8.   Please feel free to bring in props/be creative with your skit.

9.   Your script does not have to be fully memorized but you should not be reading directly from your script. Practice your script enough at home over the weekend to be comfortable enough with your script.

martedì 7 marzo 2017

Compiti, il 7 marzo

Riscrivete questi frasi con il pronome diretto appropriato. Be sure that your past participle agrees in gender and number with your direct object pronoun.
1.  Ho bevuto l’acqua minerale.
2.  Abbiamo fatto la colazione.
3.  Avete comprato i libri.
4.  Hanno ascoltato la musica.

5.  Ho letto il romanzo.

lunedì 6 marzo 2017

Esamino, il 10 marzo 2017

There will be an Open Notebook Quiz on Friday, March 10. Please be sure to take detailed notes this week on how to use direct and indirect object pronouns in Italian in the both the present and past tenses.

An Open Notebook Quiz allows you to use the notes that you have taken in class during the quiz. Please note that any student that photocopies another student's notes or the textbook will receive a 0.