lunedì 27 marzo 2017

Insalata Caprese/Tiramisu' Project, Due on Friday, April 7

This is a reminder that the Tiramisu'/Insalata Caprese project is due on Friday, April 7. Please be sure to check that I received your project once you have submitted it (you will receive an email from me saying that I received your project). If you do not hand in your project on time, you will receive ten points off for every day that it is late. Being that it can be submitted by email, you will receive ten points off even during the vacation for every day that your project is late.

Please keep in mind that you only know three verb tenses: the present, the passato prossimo, and the imperfetto. Should I see any verb forms besides these, you will automatically receive a zero for your project. There will be no makeups allowed and you will receive a zero towards your average. Using Google Translate or any other translation device is cheating and a very serious matter, and will be treated as such.

If you have any questions about the above information, please speak to me after class. Thank you.

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