martedì 16 maggio 2017

L'esame finale, il 2 giugno

Per l'esame finale, dovete studiare: 

Capitolo 9 
- Vocabolario - Stampa, Televisione, Cinema, p. 189
- L'imperfetto, p. 192-193
- Il Contrasto tra imperfetto e passato prossimo, p. 194-195

Capitolo 11
- Vocabolario - La Cucina e Gli Ingredienti, p. 231
- I pronomi diretti, p. 233-234 (anche con il passato prossimo)
- I pronomi indiretti, p. 237-238 (anche con il passato prossimo)
- L'imperativo co un pronome (diretto, indiretto, riflessivo), p. 241-242
- Esclamazioni Comuni, p. 244

Capitolo 12
- Vocabolario - In Vacanza, p. 253
- Il futuro - p. 256-257
- I pronomi tonici, p. 260-261
- Piacere (presente, passato prossimo, imperfetto), p. 262-263
- Plurali Irregolari, p. 265-266

Chapter 10 is not on the exam (we did this the first part of the year). There will be a listening, reading, and writing section on the final. Please email me or speak to me in class if you have any questions.

domenica 14 maggio 2017

Food in Focus Competition Information

Please be sure to submit up to three photos by May 31, 2017 to Be sure to CC me on the email with this email -


martedì 9 maggio 2017

Il Bello Marcello and Open Roads: Italian Cinema 2017

Marcello Mastroianni
From May 17 to May 31, The Film Society at Lincoln Center will be celebrating Marcello Mastroianni by showing some of the most celebrated movies of his career.

Here is the link: 

If you see a movie, print out your ticket and complete a write up of the movie that you saw (in English). The write up should be one page.

There is also a contemporary Italian Film Festival at Lincoln Center called Open Roads: New Italian Cinema 2017, that will take place from June 1 to June 7. If you see a movie, print out your ticket and complete a write up of the movie that you saw (in English). The write up should be one page.

martedì 2 maggio 2017

Grom Extra Credit, Due Friday, May 12
If you go to the gelateria GROM, by Friday, May 12, you will receive 3 extra credit points towards your last test.

Please email me a picture of yourself eating your gelato at OR bring in a receipt with your name on it by May 12.

Grom has a few locations, one is in Columbus Circle and another is in the West Village.

domenica 30 aprile 2017

Esame, venerdi', il 5 maggio

There will be a test on Friday, May 5. Please be sure to study the following:

-Vocabolario, In Vacanza, p. 253
-Il Futuro, p. 256-257
-Piacere, p. 262-263 (presente, passato prossimo, futuro, imperfetto)

(That's all, folks!)

This will be a full period test with the usual formatting.

giovedì 27 aprile 2017

Compiti, il 27 aprile, Leandro Barsotti

Leggi i brani nel pacchetto che parlano di Leandro Barsotti. Dopo, rispondete alle seguenti domande con una frase completa. 
Leandro Barsotti.
1. Quando è nato Barsotti?
2. Le sue migliori canzoni sono di quale album?
3. Lui è laureato in che cosa?
4. Come si chiama la canzone piu’ conosciuta di Barsotti?

giovedì 6 aprile 2017

Project due Tomorrow, 4/7 at 11:59 p.m.


Just a reminder about the project being due tomorrow, 4/7. You have until 11:59 to email it to me, otherwise your parents/guardians will be receiving a phone call from me on your first day of Spring Break!

Some people are having issues with emailing me at If you have issues with this email address, you can email me at If that doesn't work, you can email me at excuses!

Also, please do not send me a link directly from YouTube. Some are not opening, and then I cannot reply, and I do not know who you are by your YouTube name. Please make sure to copy the link in the text of an email (please check the settings!!!) and write the names of all the people in your video. I do not know who BarbieDoll123 is...I need names!

A domani!

venerdì 31 marzo 2017

Reminder: Tiramisu'/Insalata Caprese Project Due on April 7

This is a reminder that the Tiramisu'/Insalata Caprese project is due on Friday, April 7th. You have one more week to complete the assignment. There will be a ten point deduction for every day that your project is late. This project is worth a test grade.

lunedì 27 marzo 2017

Insalata Caprese/Tiramisu' Project, Due on Friday, April 7

This is a reminder that the Tiramisu'/Insalata Caprese project is due on Friday, April 7. Please be sure to check that I received your project once you have submitted it (you will receive an email from me saying that I received your project). If you do not hand in your project on time, you will receive ten points off for every day that it is late. Being that it can be submitted by email, you will receive ten points off even during the vacation for every day that your project is late.

Please keep in mind that you only know three verb tenses: the present, the passato prossimo, and the imperfetto. Should I see any verb forms besides these, you will automatically receive a zero for your project. There will be no makeups allowed and you will receive a zero towards your average. Using Google Translate or any other translation device is cheating and a very serious matter, and will be treated as such.

If you have any questions about the above information, please speak to me after class. Thank you.

Esame, il 31 marzo, Capitolo 11

There will be a test on Friday, March 31 on Chapter 11. Please study the following:

1. Vocabolario - pagina 231
2. I pronomi diretti con il presente e il passato, pagine 233-234
3. I pronomi indiretti con il presente  il passato , pagine 237-238
4. I pronomi con l'infinito e Ecco, pagina 240
5. L'imperativo con un pronome (diretto, indiretto, o riflessivo), pagine 241-242
6. Esclamazioni Comuni, p. 244

There will be a listening, reading, and writing section on this test.

venerdì 17 marzo 2017


Scenetta – Esclamazioni Comuni

1.   Choose a group of three people (total).

2.   Choose a situation.

3.   Create a skit of at least 30 complete sentences (greetings, goodbyes, how are you, what’s your name, etc. do not count).

4.   Include at least 4 esclamazioni comuni in your skit.

5.   Use at least three sentences where you use direct or indirect object pronouns (in total).

6.   Each group member should be handwriting their script.

7.   There should be an EXTRA copy of your script for Mrs. Laricchia for when your group performs (Monday).

8.   Please feel free to bring in props/be creative with your skit.

9.   Your script does not have to be fully memorized but you should not be reading directly from your script. Practice your script enough at home over the weekend to be comfortable enough with your script.

martedì 7 marzo 2017

Compiti, il 7 marzo

Riscrivete questi frasi con il pronome diretto appropriato. Be sure that your past participle agrees in gender and number with your direct object pronoun.
1.  Ho bevuto l’acqua minerale.
2.  Abbiamo fatto la colazione.
3.  Avete comprato i libri.
4.  Hanno ascoltato la musica.

5.  Ho letto il romanzo.

lunedì 6 marzo 2017

Esamino, il 10 marzo 2017

There will be an Open Notebook Quiz on Friday, March 10. Please be sure to take detailed notes this week on how to use direct and indirect object pronouns in Italian in the both the present and past tenses.

An Open Notebook Quiz allows you to use the notes that you have taken in class during the quiz. Please note that any student that photocopies another student's notes or the textbook will receive a 0.

mercoledì 15 febbraio 2017

Progetto - Da Bambino

The final copy of your DA BAMBINO project is due on Tuesday, February 28. All classes (but period 3) have received their rough drafts back. Period 3, you will all receive your rough drafts tomorrow (2/16)
Il mio esempio

Please make sure that you include all of the following components to get the best grade for your project: 

1. A picture or drawing of yourself when you were younger,
2. Ten (10) sentences using the imperfetto according to the given topic (Please do not number your sentences, they may be in paragraph form),
3. Your grammar is correct and you spell-checked your work. Microsoft Word tends to autocorrect many words, so please re-read your project multiple times and look for errors. 
4. Hand your project in on time, Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 
5. Your final copy MUST BE TYPED,
6. Be sure that you have a TITLE or HEADING in Italian. 

For every day that your project is late, there will be a ten point deduction. This project will be worth a quiz grade. Leaving your project in your locker, telling me that your printer is not working, or that your dog ate your homework, etc. will result in a ten point deduction if it is not handed in during your class period on February 28.

Do not email me your final project. 

venerdì 3 febbraio 2017

giovedì 2 febbraio 2017

World Nutella Day - Extra Credit Opportunity

Nutella <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

To celebrate World Nutella Day, send a picture of yourself enjoying Nutella to receive one extra point towards an exam. If you have never had Nutella, now is a good time to experience the glory that is Nutella. You can eat it on bread (for breakfast!!!), on crepes, or..just with a spoon! There is no limit to Nutella. Please send me your extra credit submission by the end of Monday, February 6.

Do not eat Nutella if you are allergic to nuts.

sabato 7 gennaio 2017

Blog di Moda, Copia Finale, il 13 gennaio 2017

Gina Lollobrigida, un'attrice italiana
The final copy of your BLOG DI MODA project is due on Friday, January 13. I will be handing back the rough drafts on Monday, January 9th. Please make your final copy beautiful and colorful. Please be creative and try to make it look like a real blog or fashion article!

Please make sure that you include all of the following components to get the best grade for your project: 
1. A picture or pictures of what your text describes. 
2. Fifteen (15) sentences describing your picture(s) in Italian. (Your sentences do not have to be numbered, they may be in paragraph form). 
3. Your grammar is correct and you spell-checked your work. Microsoft Word tends to autocorrect many words, so please re-read your project multiple times and look for errors. 
4. Hand your project in on time, Friday, January 13, 2017. 
5. Your final copy MUST BE TYPED. 
6. Be sure that you have a TITLE in Italian. 

For every day that your project is late, there will be a ten point deduction. This project will be worth a quiz grade. Leaving your project in your locker, telling me that your printer is not working, or that your dog ate your homework, etc. will result in a ten point deduction if it is not handed in during your class period on January 13.

Do not email me your final project. 

martedì 3 gennaio 2017

**Esame Finale - Italiano 3, mercoledi', il 18 gennaio 2017

Below you will find what you should study for the final exam, which is on Wednesday, January 18, 2017.  Finals will take place during a regular class period (45 minutes) and will be worth 10% of your final grade. The format will be the same as all other exams in my class: it will include listening, reading, writing, and grammar sections. The exam will be cumulative and will include everything we have learned this year.

I would like everyone to do well on this exam, so please utilize all of your notes from the first day of school and all of the Quizlet flashcards (that I have spent many hours creating for your success). Quizlet link
For the final, please study chapters 7, 8, and 10. Chapter 9 will not be on the test. 

Temi di Capitolo 7: 
Vocabolario, pagine 145-146 (anche su Quizlet)
Il passato prossimo con avere, pagine 148-149
Il passato prossimo con essere, pagine 151-152
L'ora, pagine 154-155, Quizlet
Preposizioni: "a, in, da, per," pagine 157-158

Temi di Capitolo 8:
Vocabolario, pagina 169 (anche su Quizlet - "Albergo e Banca")
I verbi riflessivi e reciproci, pagine 172-174, pagina 176
     - Al presente e al passato prossimo. (Ricordate: i verbi riflessivi SEMPRE usano "essere" al passato prossimo). 
     - Studiate le definizioni dei verbi riflessivi nel tuo libro e su Quizlet. 
Espressioni di tempo nel passato, pagine 177-178, Quizlet
Temi di Capitolo 10: 
Vocabolario, pagina 209 (anche su Quizlet)
L'imperativo (forme di "tu, noi, voi"), anche "negativo," pagine 212-213
Aggettivi e pronomi dimostrativi (questo, quello), pagina 215
I mesi e la data, pagine 217-218, Quizlet
Le stagioni e il tempo, pagina 219, Quizlet
Please email should you have any questions (or even better, speak to me after class).

domenica 1 gennaio 2017


I am getting a few emails asking about the homework - just want to restate that the La Vita e' Bella worksheet is due the day we come back from break and will be worth a quiz grade. That is the only assignment that you must complete.

Buon Anno!